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Saterdag 17 Augustus 2013

PC Care

Computer peripheral equipment is a supporter of a PC. A PC consists of several components, where each component has its own function that will be relevant. Although the components of PCs located in a computer case, but still a lot of dirt which may interfere with the functionality of both components from dust and insects nest. To clean up the equipment and materials used can be as simple as: mini vacuum cleaners, dry cloth or paper towels, liquid cleanser / cleaner, disk cleaner, Cd Cleanet. As for the tool needs to be provided: Screwdriver, Pliers, Brush1) Material or equipment to clean the PC componentsa). Mini Vacuum CleanerMini vacuum cleaner brush is almost the same as that used to remove dust. But the vacuum cleaner and easier. At the end of the mini vacuum cleaner equipped with a brush with different sizes intended to fit the narrow angle wide-angle on the component. This tool is ideal to use for cleaning the circuit on the mainboard and in the corners of the computer case.house_clean_3256w


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